As a client of Leona's 6-Month Coaching Package, I can wholeheartedly testify to the immense value she has brought to my life. From our very first in-person session, Leona displayed a deep understanding and appreciation of my personal environment, tailoring our coaching sessions to my unique experiences.

My journey has been transformative. Her guidance has empowered me to overcome obstacles and continue working both personal and business projects.

-Lorna Norton- Kith Community Project

“Leona has a way of offering a wider perspective that is thought provoking and clarifying, whilst being deeply respectful to all humans and non humans.
She offer’s beautiful practices that are both incredibly supportive and enlivening and has a way of being deeply spiritual, bringing spiritual practices into every day life, sharing them gently, whilst keeping it real and being human.”\

Jane Christie- Spiral Soul Apothecary

I have to say I trust Leona completely, and know that all of her feedback and support comes from a place of love and without judgement.
Leona has good insights, instincts and wisdom from such a variety of places, different strands of knowledge which she weaves together through her own intuitions. That is rare and special and ALWAYS offers a window into a new way of thinking about whatever is going on in my life.

-Kelda Platt- Landscape Architect

The Life Compass Quest' helped me rediscover my connection to nature and my creative spirit in ways I hadn't imagined. The journey encouraged me to integrate my passions, with my work and with my daily routines, making me feel whole again. The sense of community and understanding I've gained here is amazing. This isn't just a course; it's a new way of living.

Sarah Evelyn- Child Psychotherapist

Leona is tenacious. When she believes in something, she will do everything in her power to bring it to fruition and support you to do the same.
She is a true visionary, by which I mean she can truly imagine and therefore bring into existence other, more beautiful worlds.
She is extremely skilled in deep listening, able to truly hear and feedback everything including those things left unsaid, helping those she listens to to hear and heal themselves.

Viv Andrews- CIC Funding Consultant