How you’ll feel;

more confident and clear about who you are and where you are going

Who I work with

Are you someone who knows they have more to give in this world but have not quite found your niche? Maybe you are longing for change or are in the throws of life transition or craving more purpose and meaning?

Embracing personal, career or business growth is a transformative journey but to do it well requires a guiding hand especially through its challenging phases if you want to make it last. From my own experience I cannot emphasise enough the worth of engaging a coach.

Whatever stage you are at I invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery with me. I am here to offer you guidance and support on your journey. As a dedicated transformational life coach, I specialize in helping individuals navigate life's changes, drawing on my own experience as a succesful business owner and community creator. With my expertise as a Certified Life Coach and with specialism in Ecotherapy, Cultural Emergence, and the Eight Shields Model of Connection, I will provide a safe and nurturing space where we’ll explore your aspirations, overcome obstacles, and create a clear path toward your desired outcomes.

What you can expect

I love to go really deep with people and truly offer what I commit to and create the outcomes that I promise. In order for me to do this I commit to a block of time and energy that is obviously much more than our contact time and I expect the same in return. This is what gets results.

I will create a bespoke package based on your needs but it will usually involve working with me for an agreed period of time after our initial exploration call.

The package will usually include but is not limited to:

At least two 75-Minute Sessions Per Month: Online or in-person

  • These sessions will be our sacred space, where we'll dive into your aspirations and tackle challenges together.

Weekly Accountability Messages:

  • Expect gentle nudges and empowering messages to help you stay focused on your goals.

Flexible Communication:

  • Reach out to me anytime via whats app, and I'll keep the motivation flowing with regular email connections between our sessions. I will usually respond to any messages within 48 hours

Eight Shields and Cultural Emergence:

  • Experiential exercises to help you become more familiar with the Eight Shields and step into the fullness of your human animal body. We can also explore the map and its application.

  • Introduction to the Cultural Emergence Design Web as a way to help you make plans, implement designs and integrate intentional flow state into your everyday life. 

Personalised Ceremony Design:

  • Where there is desire I will help you design personal ceremonies—powerful tools for self-discovery and transformation.

Journal Prompts

  • Refective processing and deep diving into our motivation and belief systems can help you to over come any obstacles.

Resource Recommendations:

  • Staying inspired and having a bank of resources to draw on when times are touch can be invaluable. Expect links to recommneded podcast, videos and articles.

By the end of our journey, I have no doubt that you will emerge as a new and empowered version of yourself, embracing the world with renewed vigor and confidence in who you are and who you are becoming. I am genuinely looking forward to these sessions and to witnessing your incredible transformation

Our session will be

  • Relational

    Sessions will be relational which means what we do depends on you and what you want, combined with me and what I feel is most appropriate based on my experience.

  • Nourishing

    Everyone has a need to feel like they matter and that their journey has meaning and purpose. This is my speciality. We will find deep connection and presence with your true essence.

  • Integrative

    Since creating lasting transformation involves an wholistic approach, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as consciousness practices, mindfulness training, nature connection or even personal ceremony and more.

What you will experience:

  • Powerful deep listening.

  • Personalised plan for moving forwards.

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles